The most fascinating part of this is that even though I've "told them a story" more than a dozen times, they both (Turtle in particular) have added details over time. Turtle remembered that I ran to the kitchen and got a dish towel to stop the bleeding, so I added that to the story. She also reminded me that she played with Play-Doh while we waited in the ER for the surgeon. And Monkey is the one who first re-enacted my running around the house repeating "It's Ok, It's Ok, It's Ok" in a frantic voice. When I saw her do that I had a clear picture of me trying to soothe myself as much as them.
Both girls have a firm grasp of what happened, and the consequence (we had Duncan put to sleep after it was determined that he had become medically aggressive and couldn't be helped), and while we deal with all of this directly and matter of factly, I wonder sometimes if I'm doing enough to help them work it all out.
The other day when I told the story, Monkey said something that prompted me to ask her if she remembered what sissy's boo boo looked like right after Duncan bit her. It was the first time I'd asked that, and her eyes got very wide and she nodded "yes" and said it was like a mask. I hadn't thought much about what it must have been like for Monkey to see the horrible gash that I saw, and now that I know she remembers it so well, what should I do?
What prompted this post is that tonight Turtle was playing with Twin Daddy's sleeve, making motions with her finger, when completely out of the blue, she said, "I'm cutting your shirt off Daddy. Then I'm going to give you a yucky mask." She had her shirt cut off to prep for the surgery. Then she had "yucky mask" anesthesia (as opposed to the "yummy mask" she had when she had the stitches out and we had time to order a nice strawberry-flavored anesthesia). We have never once talked about having her shirt cut off in the two-plus months since it happened, not because it's so horrible; I just didn't remember that part. But she remembers it - she remembers every detail.
The only physical reminder of this sad incident is a tiny little scar under Turtle's eye. I'm hoping that my inner wisdom (????) will help me say exactly the right thing every time it's brought up, so that over the long term it will become a simple memory, with all the frightening emotions drained out.