Thursday, October 15, 2009

More Bits

Mas Tecas! We went to the University Co-op (Longhorn Mecca) Saturday and tried to get Miss Turtle her hat. But do you think she cooperated? She refused to even try them on and when we asked her if she wanted one, she said "NO!" There were only a couple of toddler caps anyway, and we didn't like them, and the store was a chaotic zoo, so we just let it go and got a couple more t-shirts instead. We had a great time, even getting our picture taken with the giant Bevo behind the Co-op. Then, as we drove away from the store, Turtle said, "I need Tecas hat."

Just say NO to Balloons. Monkey is going through a phase where she is afraid of many things. I mentioned before that clowns top the list, and when we see a clown in a book she says "Monkey like clowns. NO." Apparently, a helium balloon floating around the house of its own accord is also quite scary. Think about it - it is kind of creepy how it just bounces around, floating down from the ceiling, moving from room to room, all by itself. Well, Monkey thinks so anyway. The first balloon we brought home deflated overnight while she slept, so she didn't see it happen. She watched the second one (the one we got at Central Market after Turtle fell on the playscape) slowly float out of the skylight in the playroom and bounce around the room and she buried her head in my chest, whining, and wouldn't let me out of her sight. Then last weekend we went to a restaurant and the waitress brought two red balloons to the table. You would have thought she was trying to kidnap Monkey. We had to hide the balloons under the table, under my feet in the car, and then in the utility room when we got home, only presenting them once they were totally deflated and un-scary. So, no birthday balloons this year!

Things are a little hectic around here as we prepare for birthdays, Halloween, and my high school reunion, so I'm keeping it short tonight. Have a great week!

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