Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Diversity 101

On Halloween night, after we went trick-or-treating, Turtle and Monkey helped me pass out candy at our house. One of our first visitors was a large group of Hispanic children ranging from babies to pre-teens, along with a couple of adults. After I closed the door behind them, Turtle said, "Mommy, those were your cousins!"

I explained that while their skin was dark brown like lots of people in my family, they were not OUR cousins but were other Mexican-American people, of which there are quite many.

Shortly after that, a young-ish Chinese couple brought their 2-year-old daughter to the door. When they left, Turtle said, "Mommy, I didn't like them. Their eyes were closed."

We spent the rest of the evening in cultural awareness training.


Anonymous said...

maybe their eyes were closed!!
this made me laugh.

Mimi Cross said...

From the mouths of babes. You can't trust people who won't look at you. It was Turtle's perception that those people weren't looking at her.