Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Catching up

I thought I'd better post something before you decided that I've given up by blog altogether. Every day something funny, amazing, and mortifying happens and every day I think "wow I should put that in my blog," and now I'm so behind that I've gotten overwhelmed at the thought of catching up.

So, rather than even try to catch up, I'll just tell you this one funny little story from September that has stuck in my mind.

I took Turtle and Monkey to the Carter's (children's) store for fall clothes. Normally I wouldn't take them with me, but when I brought home summer clothes for Turtle earlier this year, she pretty much refused to wear anything I bought. So, I figured I should seek her input this time.

I picked out a dress from the rack and called her over, "Turtle, come here!"

She ran over. "Yes, mommy?"

"Is this something you think you'd like to wear?" I asked, holding up the dress.

Turtle looked at the dress, transformed into a 13-year-old before my eyes, looked at me like I was a moron, and said, "Not EVER!"

I put it back on the rack and moved in the other direction so she wouldn't see me burst out laughing.

1 comment:

Brianne said...

Bursts of laughter are coming from ME. Right now! So, so funny!