Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Eating Fun


Recently I diced some pre-cut watermelon chunks for the “fruit” portion of the girls’ daily fruit and cereal breakfast. It took some coaxing but I finally got Monkey to eat a piece. But she vehemently refused another bite and wouldn’t have anything else I offered her. I glanced over at Turtle, who had a mouthful of watermelon and another handful ready to stuff in the second there was any space. But Turtle will eat anything as long as she can feed it to herself. So I popped a piece in my mouth to check it out, and I nearly puked. I took one whiff of the rest of the watermelon, gagged, and threw the whole container in the garbage. Then I sent myself to the corner to write lines: I will not feed my children rotten fruit for breakfast. I will not feed my children rotten fruit for breakfast. I will not feed my children rotten fruit for breakfast. . . .


The other day Turtle was playing by the window and I saw her pick something up from the sill and put something in her mouth. “Turtle?” I said, walking over to her. She looked up at me and smiled. Her little snack had slipped out of her mouth – a common problem she has when feeding herself - and was resting on her chin. I picked it off her face and put it in the palm of my hand. It was wet and gooey so I can’t be sure, but I think it was a dead spider.

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