Friday, June 25, 2010

Musical Genius

The other day we were listening to a Laurie Berkner (children) CD in the car. We've had the CD a couple of weeks, and there are a few songs the girls ask to hear again and again. We were listening to one such song when Turtle said, from the back seat, "They're playing a tambourine, Mommy!"

Slightly shocked, I listened closely to the music and did indeed hear a tambourine in the background. I have to say, I still haven't recovered from my surprise. The girls sing, make up new songs, and play with instruments at home constantly, but for Turtle to be able to identify one instrument among many on a CD actually kind of scares me a little.

Despite my lingering fear of my child's sponge-like mega-brain, thank you Heartsong Music and the Music Together program. In that freaky moment I felt fully justified in the many, many, many hundreds of dollars spent on weekly music classes over the past 15 months, and all the other activities passed over to keep room in our calendar and in our budget for Heartsong. Knowing that my kids will ultimately have greater musical prowess than me (whether they choose to exercise it or not) is a source of real pleasure and gratitude.

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