Monday, January 3, 2011

Chapter 2

This morning Turtle and Monkey started their new preschool: a Montessori school about 15 minutes from our house where they will go every day, 8:30-2:30. They were very excited, and they both left their Lovies in the car with a cheerful "See you after school Lovey." In the past, Monkey has literally had to be peeled off me, screaming, every other time we've left her somewhere for the first time, and clung to her Lovey for dear life. Today she gave me a hug and kiss and waved good-bye, then went about her work. Turtle was just as quick to say good-bye. Twin Daddy and I were surprised and absolutely thrilled. We went out for a taco and then came home to tackle the piles that have been accumulating on the office desk for the last three years. I just took artwork from the daycare the girls went to for a short time in 2008 to the recycling bin.

I thought I might have more mixed feelings today, but I've been preparing for this since early October and I think I've already shed the few tears I had. I tried to make myself really pay attention to my feelings, so I wouldn't just gloss over this transition, and this is what happened:

I stopped by a stay-at-home mom friend's house today around noon to drop something off. In her front yard was a double stroller not quite unpacked from a morning walk, a soccer net in the driveway, and a few toys strewn throughout the yard. I shuddered at the thought of what she'd been up to all morning and thought, "Well, I guess I really am ready for them to be at school every day."

So right now I'm happy they are happy, and I'm ready to face the next stage in all of our lives, whatever that may hold. For me it will involve getting some sort of part-time paid employment relatively soon, and trying to sort through our house in the meantime. Of course, I reserve the absolute right to bemoan this change in a few months or a year or two years, and to do a complete 180 and say how much I miss having them at home and to long for the days when my every morning was filled with toys and strollers. But for now, we're all good.

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