Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This morning Monkey was defiant as usual, and came up with this: "NO EVERYTHING!"   That seems to be her M.O., for sure.

On a more agreeable note, she told me at breakfast that when she grew up she wanted to be the most famous chef in the whole world.  That was after she cracked all the eggs for the scrambled eggs, got the scrambling process started, poured the eggs into the pan, and did the initial cooking.  She loves to cook with adults and watching Julia Child and Alton Brown cooking shows is one of her favorite things.  In the past she's also said she wants to be a ballerina and an illustrator, but she actually shows more interest in cooking than in either of those activities.

This evening at bedtime she asked me a difficult question.  "Mommy, why do we celebrate Memorial Day?"  I explained about soldiers and remembering them and etc.  Then she said, "But we don't like to fight right?  So why do we celebrate fighting?"  I was stumped.  I blamed it all on other countries who started fights and forced us to fight even though we didn't really want to, but I look forward to having a more advanced political discussion with her about this when she's a little older.  I'm sure she'll take the opposing position to my political view on foreign policy and war, but as long as she can back up her position with more than "No Everything!" I'll be ok with a little disagreement.

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