Monday, September 15, 2008

Nickname of the week

I mentioned in my last post that I trimmed the girls' bangs last week. I didn't tell you how I did it. The girls were finishing their breakfast and N was sitting with us before he left for work. I decided that their bangs must be trimmmed, NOW. So I jumped up, got the safety scissors, and immediately began trimming Turtle's bangs while she sat in her high chair. No measuring, no planning, no discussion with N, no warning. Just snip snip, and the offending wisps were gone.

"Hmm, maybe I should have taken a picture?" I said.

"Well I guess she's done with breakfast," N said, looking at the hair trimmings mixed in with kiwi.

"Oh, I need to save that!" I said, and scooped up the few locks I could and put them in a ziploc bag.

Then I turned the scissors on Monkey. This time N was ready with the camera. She didn't squirm nearly as much as Turtle. And I caught the hair clippings as they fell too. See, when you have twins, you can get it right the second time around!

N wasn't very impressed with any part of my little operation. He is much more of "measure twice, cut once" type of guy, where I am a "just cut it and I'm sure it will look fine" type of gal. When he got home that day he took one look at the girls and said, "Hey Supercuts!"

I looked at my little girls: Turtle with her crooked bangs and mullet. Monkey with crooked bangs that are too short for her small forehead. It did remind me of my last haircut at Supercuts. So the name stuck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just love reading your entries. Great word pictures! The haircut experience reminded me of two other little girls who also squirmed a long time ago!


Great Aunt Sherry