Friday, September 5, 2008

When did it become Fall?

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday morning by how cool and crisp it was outside. There was even a little breeze! It reminded me of the October day last year when we brought the girls home from the hospital, and that thought almost brought tears to my eyes. I wrestled their wiggly bodies into the BOB for our morning walk, and they jabbered to each other: “Bababa pppp mmmm.” These big, independent, chatty, happy girls were nothing but tiny blobs a mere 10 months ago. I know it’s a cliché to talk about how fast time flies, but really. Who do I need to talk to around here to get time to stand still for awhile?

Now that it’s fall, the inevitable questions have started coming: What are your plans for their first birthday? Where will you be for Thanksgiving? Do you plan to get a Christmas tree?

Birthdays? Christmas? Half the time I don’t even get breakfast cleaned off the highchair trays until the girls are ready for lunch. And there I am, dicing up avocado, willing the toaster to hurry up, digging around the dishwasher for a clean spoon for the yogurt, only to realize the trays are still covered in smeared egg yolk and dried watermelon. So I put the girls in the Pack N Play to keep them in one spot for a few minutes, and I frantically scrub off the trays while they scream to be released. Then, finally, we all sit down for a relaxing meal of rubbing avocado in our hair, throwing toast on the floor, and slapping the spoon out of mommy's hand.

So, I’m not sure what our plans are for all the big occasions on the horizon. I don’t even know what’s for lunch today.

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